Healthier and more productive workplace.

Magnetic lab for business health

As a business customer of Magnetlabbet, we help you prevent and detect serious illnesses in good time for your staff.

By offering, for example, key employees access to advanced health examinations, you are at the forefront when it comes to personnel care.

Start the journey towards a healthier and more productive workplace


Magnetic X-ray for companies

As a business customer of Magnetlabbet, we help you prevent and detect serious illnesses in good time for your staff. By offering, for example, key employees access to advanced health examinations, you are at the forefront when it comes to personnel care.


What does this mean for the company and the employee?

If the employer pays for a health examination for an employee, that cost is deductible if it is done as part of your company's work environment work. For the employee, the benefit is tax-free. You can pay either by card or by invoice, contact us and we will tell you more.


Next step

Contact us at for more information and to book a completely unconditional meeting about what a larger collaboration might look like or if you have requests about individual bookings.

Why offer your key employees access to MRI examinations?

We all know how time-consuming and expensive it is to find and recruit good employees. Then getting them to become loyal and stay for a long time is even more difficult, something that is even more difficult among the younger generation. In this tough competition, this type of individual offers to individual employees can be what makes an employee stay with the company. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us and together we can put together a unique customized solution just for your company.

Private healthcare insurance and preventive care, What's the difference?

Do you already have private health insurance? How good, then your staff can get help in getting access to quick care, for example when they are injured. However, private health insurance does not cover preventive care. Here, a collaboration with Magnetlabbet can help your company keep your staff healthy over time and find any symptoms in good time and thus avoid longer absences due to illness. If you do not have private health insurance, a collaboration with Magnetlabbet can, for example, help colleague Björn quickly get access to an MRI after he badly injured his knee during training the other night, or your companion Karin after she had an unfortunate fall on her last skiing trip.

The advantages of a collaboration with Magnetlabbet

The cost to a company in the event of illness is not only about the actual costs incurred during the absence. The main cost, according to many, is above all the loss of production, i.e. that an employee is not at work and actually performs his work duties. It can be enormous amounts, which is why it is really in the company's interest to work preventively as much as possible, and then a collaboration with Magnetlabbet could be part of that solution. Even in more urgent situations, e.g. in case of sudden injury, fall, etc., cooperation with us can help you quickly get your staff back to work again.

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over, 500 customers last year,

MR Abdomen/MRCP

MR Abdomen examines the kidneys, spleen, liver, gall bladder, bile ducts, bladder, ureters and pancreas.


Based on the MR images, precise tissue samples can be taken to investigate suspicious changes.

MR Whole Body

magnetic camera examination of the whole body is suitable for those who want to get a clear and comprehensive insight into their state of health.

MRI Axis

The shoulder is the most mobile part of the body and during life can give rise to pain and reduced mobility in the shoulder joint.

Find out how your
inside feels

SEK 500 discount

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