Price list

Quickly and safely in four steps

Direct insight into your health with advanced health examinations


Order your survey

Order the survey you want on our website. Then choose a location for the examination in connection with your booking.



Pay smoothly and easily with Klarna, choose e.g. bank card, Swish or invoice. If you are an entrepreneur, contact us for an invoice.


Wait for a summons

Within 7-10 days, a summons will be sent to your civil registration address and e-mail. The summons includes information about time and place as well as preparations for the examination. If the time doesn't suit, it's easy to rebook.


Get your results

Your results are ready within 7 working days of the examination and are reviewed by a specialist doctor. The results of your examination will arrive in the mail.

Find out how your
inside feels

SEK 500 discount

— Join our newsletter and get a SEK 500 discount on our most popular full-body MRI examination —

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