DT (Computed Tomography) Lungs & Thorax

A computed tomography, also called CT, produces very detailed three-dimensional cross-sectional images of, among other things, the lungs, pleura, mediastinum (middle part of the chest cavity), the heart, larger vessels and even the spine.

10 900 kr

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Why do you examine the lungs & chest with computed tomography?

A computed tomography, also called CT, produces very detailed three-dimensional cross-sectional images of, among other things, the lungs, pleura, mediastinum (middle part of the chest cavity), the heart, larger vessels and even the spine. In healthcare, the chest (thorax) is examined with computed tomography when there is a suspicion of a number of different conditions and diseases. These include, among others, infections, lung cancer, COPD, inflammatory conditions and vascular issues.


What can be detected at DT-Lungs?

  • Tumor, metastases, lymphoma, and thymoma
  • Inflammatory and infectious conditions 
  • COPD – Emphysema
  • Blood clot – Pulmonary embolism
  • Cystic changes 
  • Vessel questions 
  • Cystic changes
  • Bronchiectasis 
  • Trauma


Computed tomography emits a low dose of radiation which is not preferable compared to magnetic resonance imaging examinations which emit completely harmless radiation. Thus, you must not be pregnant in connection with the examination. The use of certain drugs affecting the kidneys and diabetes should be stopped before the examination. Therefore, it is always important to be informed and inform us about drug use.

How does it happen?

The patient lies down on a table that moves into an opening. You should lie completely still to be able to develop the best possible images. Sometimes you are asked to hold your breath during certain sequences. Contrast agents can be used when you want to develop very clear images within a certain area. The examination itself does not take long and the results (images) are displayed on a screen in connection with the examination.

Survey results

Your results are always reviewed by x-ray specialists and analyzed and compiled by specialist doctors in an individual written report that is sent to you within 7 working days after a completed examination.

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10 900 kr


Order your survey

Select examination and city here on the website.


Within a week, a summons will arrive from the clinic

Our partner Evidia (formerly Aleris) sends out a summons to your civil registry address with all the information before the examination.


Results within two weeks of completed examination

Specialist doctors review the examination and an X-ray report is sent to you by post. Further processing is included if necessary (referral to healthcare provider).

Do I really need to know?

Early detection proves to be the best treatment.

Avoiding serious diseases is to detect them in time, which gives the greatest chance of treatment and recovery, serious diseases usually take several years to develop and sometimes without any symptoms until it is too late. The statistics show that if a tumor is detected early, you have at least a 90 % chance of survival.

If you wait to examine your body and discover a tumor when symptoms have started to appear, the survival rate is significantly reduced. A large proportion of those affected would have survived the disease if it had been detected earlier.

By taking a full-body MRI scan, signs of the disease can be found early, which is the best treatment against cancer.

Our customers tell us

“Helpful! I couldn't read my report at first but when I called the magnet lab they helped me immediately by sending me a new report in a readable format. Overall good experience with them. Got an appointment within 2 weeks and everything went super smoothly. Recommend!"

“ The magnet lab called the same day I placed my order. A summons from the clinic arrived a couple of days later. Booked at Evidia backa. They had free parking which made everything smoother. The staff were friendly and helpful. I was admitted immediately and the MRI only took about 20 minutes from start to finish. I got my result within 5 days. "

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