Why is the rectum and colon examined?
Colonoscopy is an examination of the rectum and colon. The doctor can then see the entire colon and identify various diseases, including colon and rectal cancer.
In order to get a good result from the examination, one needs to prepare by laxative the bowel. It is important that the intestine is clean so that the doctor can examine the intestinal mucosa. You receive an electronic prescription for laxatives that you pick up at the pharmacy. This must be used according to the prescription on the back of the package. You should also think about your diet 3 days before the examination. This means that you should avoid fruits and vegetables with a lot of fiber and seeds.
How does it happen?
During the examination, a tube-shaped instrument is passed up into the large intestine. The instrument is connected to a video monitor and the doctor examines the intestine via the monitor. If there are polyps, they are removed during the examination itself. Sometimes it is necessary to take samples, so-called biopsies, from the intestine and these are analyzed in a laboratory. The samples are saved for care and also for research purposes, if you do not agree to this, it is important that you let us know. The examination takes between 30-50 minutes and is performed by Scandinavian Gastro Clinic's experienced specialist doctors.
Survey results
As a patient, you will receive an answer immediately after the examination is completed. Note, however, that the results from a possible biopsy take between 4-6 weeks and are always sent to the referring doctor.