Why is the wrist examined with a magnetic camera?
The wrist is a very complex structure of different bones and joints that can be angled and moved in different positions while being able to transmit great force. The wrist can suffer injuries, not least from falls, as well as suffer from diseases of joints and ligaments that destroy motor skills. Injuries and anomalies in the wrist can be difficult to detect and difficult to distinguish as they often have similar symptoms. MRI is a good examination method to detect and distinguish fractures, arthritis or damage to ligaments and joints. When you do an MRI of the wrist, it is important to make sure that the hand is in the middle of the tunnel during the actual imaging. The examination takes approximately 30 minutes.
What can be detected by MR Wrist?
- Wrist fracture
- Inflammation
- Arthritis
- Fractures
- Ligament damage
- Tumors
If you have metal splinters, a pacemaker, an insulin pump or other electronic equipment in your body, you cannot be examined with a magnetic camera. Metal that is not magnetic, on the other hand, does not pose an obstacle for magnetic camera examination.
How does it happen?
A magnetic camera looks like a tunnel with two openings on each side. During the examination itself, you lie still on a bed that is brought into a tunnel that is about 2 meters long. The image taking itself produces sound, which is why hearing protection is offered. The magnetic camera takes several series of images during the examination, up to hundreds, in order to e.g. be able to image organs and tissues. The examination usually takes between 25-40 minutes and if you are worried there are usually sedatives available. After a completed examination, you can almost always leave the clinic and return to your everyday life.
Survey results
Your results are always reviewed by x-ray specialists and analyzed and compiled by specialist doctors in an individual written report that is sent to you within 7-10 working days after a completed examination. Note that the price refers to 1 wrist. After your order, we will call you and take that information.