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common questions
How can an MRI scan give you control over your state of health?
Through an MRI examination, you can gain knowledge about how your body is doing. With timely knowledge, you can prevent and prevent the onset of diseases. With an MR examination, you get a good insight into how your body is doing. The examination can also be used to see if an injury has healed or if a treatment or operation has had the desired effect.
When can I carry out my examination?
We offer an examination that is fast, flexible and safe. Within seven days of ordering, you will undergo an examination. The results are then analyzed and compiled by licensed specialist doctors within seven days.
Do you have claustrophobia or fear of cells?
Even if the examination as such does not hurt, for some it can be unpleasant because you are expected to lie still in a cramped space. In many receptions, it is fine to bring a relative into the examination room for support. Tell the staff before the examination if you want sedative medication or need other help.
Can I go to my usual health center or seek other healthcare to receive the same examinations?
To get access to the same examinations via your health centre, you first need to get/convince your doctor to get a referral for the corresponding examination. Then you have to wait, in many cases several months, before the examination can be carried out. It works differently depending on where in the country you live and the health center you are connected to.
How do I order an examination from you?
Who should refrain from having an MRI scan?
What age limit applies?
How to order a survey that is not on your website?
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MR Abdomen/MRCP
MR Abdomen examines the kidneys, spleen, liver, gall bladder, bile ducts, bladder, ureters and pancreas.
Based on the MR images, precise tissue samples can be taken to investigate suspicious changes.
MR Whole Body
magnetic camera examination of the whole body is suitable for those who want to get a clear and comprehensive insight into their state of health.
MRI Axis
The shoulder is the most mobile part of the body and during life can give rise to pain and reduced mobility in the shoulder joint.